Community Care Collaborative

Our Mission:
The Community Care Collaborative (CCC) serves as a local community impact program of the Albemarle Area United Way meeting human needs by providing assistance to those facing temporary emergency crisis with the goal of closing gaps among local resources within Pasquotank, Camden, Gates, and Perquimans Counties.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Intake Volunteers - First point of contact with clients to assess area of need and best fit for direct services or referral to other community services
Lead Volunteers - Assist CCC Manager in oversight of intake volunteers and resource for client services
Administrative Volunteers - data entry, recording volunteer hours, creating client files, answering phones, filing, etc.
Volunteers are essential and should:
Show compassion for those in need
Help neighbors in need to obtain the necessities of life
Serve anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, sex, or age
Develop greater awareness of the needs of our community and access to services
Provide services that promote responsible stewardship of CCC resources
Primary Volunteer Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday 10 am - 2 pm
Provide a current, clean background check
Successfully complete training orientation
Ability to work with a diverse population and maintain confidentiality
To volunteer, please fill out our online form.
At this time, help is only available for Pasquotank, Camden, Gates, and Perquimans County residents.
If you are a resident of Pasquotank, Camden, Gates, or Perquimans County, please fill out our online application.
This will allow us to assist you more effectively.
Be prepared to provide:
Your name
Your address
Your phone number
Your birthdate
A brief description of your emergency and how much money would be required to resolve the crisis
Be advised that volunteer intake managers do not work every day, so it may take a few days for them to contact you.
If you are unable to fill out forms, you may call 252-333-1009 or email
En este momento, la ayuda solo está disponible para los residentes de Pasquotank y del condado de Camden.
Si usted es residente del condado de Pasquotank o Camden, complete nuestra solicitud en línea.
Esto nos permitirá ayudarlo de manera más efectiva.
Prepárate para proporcionar:
Tu nombre
Su dirección
Su número de teléfono
Tu fecha de nacimiento
Una breve descripción de su emergencia y cuánto dinero se necesitaría para resolver la crisis.
Tenga en cuenta que los gerentes voluntarios de admisión no trabajan todos los días, por lo que pueden demorar algunos días en comunicarse con usted.
Si no puede completar los formularios, puede llamar al 252-333-1009 o enviar un correo electrónico a